House Local Bills: | |
Number | HLB 23-16 |
Subject/Title | To repeal and reenact Section 2(t)(1) of Saipan Local Law No. 20-26 to fund non-profit organizations and provide funding for the renovation and construction of pavilions, recreational areas and public buildings in Precinct IV; and for other purposes. |
Author | Camacho, JC Omar, MC |
Date Introduced | 6/20/2023 |
House Committee | WM |
House Public Hearing | |
House Report Number | |
House Report Action | A- 07/07/2023 |
House First Reading | |
House Final Reading | |
House Amendment | |
Senate Committee | |
Senate Public Hearing | |
Senate Report Number | |
Senate Report Action | |
Senate First Reading | P-07/25/2023 [D1] |
Senate Final Reading | P-07/25/2023 [D1] |
Senate Amendment | |
Last Action/Location | S.L.L. 23-04 |
Last Updated | 8/10/2023 |
Deadline | None in effect |
References | APPEARANCE: |
Sponsors/Cosponsors | REP. JOEL C. CAMACHO and REP. MALCOLM J. OMAR of Saipan, Precinct 4 (for themselves) |