House Bills: | |
Number | HB 23-104 |
Subject/Title | To appropriate $5,236,000.00 of the dividends collected by the Commonwealth Economic Development Authority (CEDA) from the Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC) for the Twenty Five Percent (25%) retirees’ pension for all retirees of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. |
Author | Attao, BJT |
Date Introduced | 3/28/2024 |
House Committee | WM |
House Public Hearing | |
House Report Number | |
House Report Action | |
House First Reading | P-03/28/2024 [HD1] |
House Final Reading | P-03/28/2024 [HD1] |
House Amendment | HD1 |
Senate Committee | FA |
Senate Public Hearing | |
Senate Report Number | |
Senate Report Action | A-04/08/24 |
Senate First Reading | |
Senate Final Reading | P-4/08/24 |
Senate Amendment | |
Last Action/Location | |
Last Updated | 4/11/2024 |
Deadline | None in effect |
References | S-3/28/2024 H. COMM. 23- |
Sponsors/Cosponsors | REP. BLAS JONATHAN “BJ” T. ATTAO of Saipan, Precinct 3 (for himself, Representatives Vincent R.S. Aldan, Roman C. Benavente, Diego V. F. Camacho, Joel C. Camacho, Manny G. T. Castro, Marissa R. Flores, Julie M. A. Ogo, Edwin K. Propst, and Edmund S. Villagomez) |