House Bills: | |
Number | HB 23-121 |
Subject/Title | To require the Municipality of Rota, and the Municipality of Tinian the option, to reserve at least $100,000 of the funds provided under 4 CMC § 2159 for free agreements made between the United States and the respective municipalities for additional or expanded United States Customs and Border Protection Services. |
Author | Ogo, JMA |
Date Introduced | 10/25/2024 |
House Committee | None |
House Public Hearing | NONE |
House Report Number | NONE |
House Report Action | |
House First Reading | P-11/22/2024 |
House Final Reading | P-11/22/2024 |
House Amendment | 12:00:00 AM |
Senate Committee | Senate-FA |
Senate Public Hearing | |
Senate Report Number | 12:00:00 AM |
Senate Report Action | |
Senate First Reading | |
Senate Final Reading | 12:00:00 AM |
Senate Amendment | |
Last Action/Location | Senate-FA |
Last Updated | 11/26/2024 |
Deadline | 01/10/25 |
References | S-10/25/2024 H. Comm. 23-176 |
Sponsors/Cosponsors | REP. JULIE M.A. OGO of Rota, Precint 7 (for herself, Representatives Roy C.A. Ada, Vincent R.S. Aldan, Blas Jonathan "BJ" T. Attao, Angelo A. Camacho, Diego V.F. Camacho, Manny G.T. Castro, Joseph A. Flores, Marrissa R. Flores, Thomas J. DLC. Manglona, Edwin K. Propts, John Paul P. Sablan, Patrick H. San Nicolas, Edmund S. Villagomez, and Ralph N. Yumul) |